Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and more!!

Jonathan sitting on Uncle Phil's lap. He is pretty taken by Uncle Phil. He isn't quite as sure of the Groucho Marx' glasses though. We went to show off Jonathan's Halloween costume.

Jonathan and Uncle Phil, though Jonathan isn't too sure about those glasses!

Jonathan in his Halloween costume!! He was the cutest pumpkin around!! We had to show a few friends this outfit!!!

Jonathan has a thing for putting his fingers in any opening he can find. This was pretty funny as he stuck his fingers in his ears!! I tried to get a picture of his fingers in his bellybutton but he wouldn't hold still!!!

Jonathan fell at the babysitter's and hit his head on the concrete. This is his first really big owie!! on his head anyway! He has bitten his lip several times but this was a big goose egg the night before!

In early October, we went to Kent to spend the weekend celebrating my sister's birthday. Here is Jonathan and I at the restaurant.

Jonathan with his Papa (my dad) at the restaurant for my sister's birthday.

Jonthan with is cousin's at the restaurant. He had a great time playing with them as the meal took along time to arrive!!