Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finally, an update!

Ok, I have been very bad! I have to say that I will post some new pics soon!
Jonathan has mastered crawling! Yes, we had a play date with science mama's daughter and Jonathan took notes! He suddenly figured out home to go forward AND he figured how to stand! So the daily bonks on the head have started!! He is pulling up to stand on anything he can find but he still hasn't figured out how to get down!! It is pretty hilarious!
He was 19# and 27 inches tall at his last doctor's appointment.
Oh yes, did I mention that I went back to work on the 10th and he loves his nanny! He didn't cry when I left or when I got home!! Thanks for all the prayers!! I am not too hurt! hahaha!
Anyway, have lots of pics to post later,