Monday, December 22, 2008


This month was a full month with Jonathan's readoption scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving. Readoption is just the term for filing Jonathan's legal paperwork from Guatemala so that his name can be changed and he can get his american birth certificate. The Judge, Dennis Yoel, is an adoptive parent himself and he is retiring to spend more time with his family.
Jackie Stam is our lawyer and orchestrated the events of the day. She made it a pleasurable experience.

Jonathan was a bit restless but played with kleenex as a good diversion while waiting for the judge to show up.

Family and friends that came to the courthouse to see Jonathan have his day in court. We really appreciated everyone's support and love!

So I thought you would like to see some of Jonathan's new tricks. He loves to climb and sit on mommy!

He likes to put on his sunglasses even though he doesn't quite get which way is up!!

And did I forget to say he is climbing?!!! Yep, I think I took him off the chairs about 100 times this day!! Visions of lacerations and sutures were dancing in my head!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and more!!

Jonathan sitting on Uncle Phil's lap. He is pretty taken by Uncle Phil. He isn't quite as sure of the Groucho Marx' glasses though. We went to show off Jonathan's Halloween costume.

Jonathan and Uncle Phil, though Jonathan isn't too sure about those glasses!

Jonathan in his Halloween costume!! He was the cutest pumpkin around!! We had to show a few friends this outfit!!!

Jonathan has a thing for putting his fingers in any opening he can find. This was pretty funny as he stuck his fingers in his ears!! I tried to get a picture of his fingers in his bellybutton but he wouldn't hold still!!!

Jonathan fell at the babysitter's and hit his head on the concrete. This is his first really big owie!! on his head anyway! He has bitten his lip several times but this was a big goose egg the night before!

In early October, we went to Kent to spend the weekend celebrating my sister's birthday. Here is Jonathan and I at the restaurant.

Jonathan with his Papa (my dad) at the restaurant for my sister's birthday.

Jonthan with is cousin's at the restaurant. He had a great time playing with them as the meal took along time to arrive!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

more pictures!! growing and growing!

So I couldn't resist getting this picture. Jonathan really enjoyed his rice at dinner tonight!! he was a mess! I threw him in the bath afterwards!!!

We went camping for the first time with grandpa and grandma. I put jonathan in his pack n go so that I could take down the tent. I gave him a bite sized oreo and when I looked back at him, he had it all over his face and all over the pack n go!! What a mess!!

Jonathan on his rocking bug.

yes, he carries that blankie everywhere! makes it hard to walk!!

Jonathan rolling around on the floor with his blankie!! he loves that thing!!!

Aren't I cute in my outfit from Aunt Juanita?!

This is Jonathan's favorite way to sit!!

Jonathan on a play date with his friend, Esther.

Hand surgery, walking and more....

look at me mom, I am walking!!

You mean you are supposed to wear your glasses over your eyes!! hehehe!

Jonathan loves to swim!! just give him alittle water and he could hang out all day!!!

Jonathan on his swing from his aunt Juanita!! he loves it!

What mom? I'm just reading a magazine and ripping out pictures!!!

Finally!!! Yes I finally am getting around to updating my blog. Alot has happened since May and the most thing was I had to have emergency hand surgery. I had severe carpel tunnel in my right hand and it was totally numb. The hand surgeon told me that the nerve damage might be permenant and he rushed me into surgery on june 25th. Needless to say, I wasn't prepared to be out of commission!!

Well mom and dad came rushing over and moved in to help with the baby. They were a real blessing! Well Jonathan just walked out into the middle of the floor one day and he was off and moving! He also figured out how to use his push toy to crawl onto the sofa!! yep, he also pushed a toy over to the ottoman and crawled up then down then back up again! I was shocked!!!

Well as you can imagine, he is running everywhere now!!

Here are some pics of him...enjoy. Oh yes, he was 15 months on august 22nd!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

more pics.

Jonathan in the kitchen
Jonathan in his new wading pool. He played in there when grandma came over and babysat him.

Jonathan pushing his toy. He loves to take off with this toy until he hits a wall. Hasn't figured out how to steer yet!

Jonathan with Grandpa in March. We went over for grandpa's birthday. Jonathan loves the dog and cat and had lots of fun chasing them around!

Jonathan in Las Vegas with Mommy. His first experience in a real pool!

Jonathan and Mommy in the pool in Las Vegas!

Jonathan playing in the backyard with cousin Shane.

Jonathan was dedicated at church in April. The family came over and Pastor Wes Lindseth said a prayer for him.


Jonathan in the pool in Las Vegas with Mommy


Birthday boy checking out his cake!

Jonathan turned 1 year old on may 22. We had a small birthday party the weekend before then traveled to Seattle for a party with family and a few friends.

Jonathan loved his birthday cake! And he enjoyed playing with his cousins

Mommy met with some friends on saturday and Aunt Juanita and cousins, Shane and Rachael, babysat Jonathan. He had a great time!

The first week of May we went to Las Vegas and met up with friends. Jonathan got his first experience in a big pool. He loved it and learned to splash!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

First Mother's Day

Hi everyone,
Just a quick post to say we made it home from vacation and had a nice first mother's day. I got two roses at church and then went to lunch with a friend who lives away from her mother also. The restaurant was giving out roses too! Since it was so warm out, I decided to dry them and put them in the baby book (whenever I find a minute to update it).
This last week we went to Las Vegas for a vacation. My bestfriend, Joyce and her husband Ron, met us there. We also visited with my cousin, Joanie. She got to meet Jonathan for the first time with her youngest son, Josh.
Jonathan got to swim in the pool at the hotel twice and loved every minute. He was so cute in his swimsuit with the built in life jacket. Will try to get those pics posted soon!
Jonathan was also dedicated at church the weekend before our trip. My family came over and we had sunday dinner at my house before everyone left for home. Will get those pics posted too!!
Jonathan is turning one year old on the 22nd. We will be in Kent for memorial day to visit some friends. We will probably get together with my sister and her family for alittle birthday celebration!
Jonathan has learned to say "up" but it comes out more like UT! UT! He is really moving around pushing his toys while standing but is still nervous about walking unassisted. He did walk three steps to me about a week ago but he isn't very consistent with his attempts.
Well, that is a quick update for now,
more later....

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well the big news this week is that Jonathan got stung by a wasp. Yes, it was horrible for both of us!! I was on the phone with my parents and saw him get down from standing at the sliding glass door. He made a funny noise and crumbled into a ball. I rushed over and picked him up and there was a wasp on the floor that he had put his hand on!! At first I didn't know where he was stung as his face was red and his hands were covering it. He finally took a breathe and let out a blood curtling scream!! I finally located the sting on his left index finger as I was searching him for where it was. I gave him benedryl and ibuprofen and ran his hand under water. I tried baking soda but he wasn't having any of it!! (yes, I know about meat tenderizer but I didn't have any!)

Anyway, I called the ER where I sometimes work and talked with the doc there. She was great to put up with my new mommyness! (is that a word?)!!

Anyway, his hand swoll to his elbow but after about 15 minutes, the benedryl kicked in and the swelling started to go down!. Poor baby! He fell asleep within the hour but I was so nervous that I made him sleep in my room for the night!! Needless to say, he slept better than I did.

The next day, I hunted down my association and vented my frustration with their not knocking down the wasp nests on the second story of my townhouse! Of course they were apologetic and say they are going to take care of it. You might think I am overreacting a bit but this is the second wasp I have found in my house by the slider. They are lethargic and crawling around! Yes, I am suspicious that I may have some in the house! or that they are getting in through a vent system.

So as a mommy with a mission, I called the pest inspector and am having them come to inspect the attic to be sure I am not running a wasp hotel up there!!

On a positive note, Jonathan is doing better today. He ran a fever yesterday but seems to be back to his happy little self today!

As for pictures, I do have more pics but my camera got left at mom and dad's when we were there a few weeks ago for Dad's birthday! They will bring it to me when they come for Jonathan's dedication on the 27th of April!

Well, more later....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Ok I finally am getting around to posting some pictures. Jonathan is walking around all the furniture and has become really good at crawling fast!! Our nanny has taken to putting a chair across the way to keep him in the living room as he keeps falling under the table!! It is slick to hold onto, evidently!!
Anyway, enjoy!

Here is Jonathan on the swings for the first time. He loves it!

Who says crawling is easy! Jonathan began by going backwards, not forward! I couldn't resist, I have to take a picture! He has now figured it out and is crawling everywhere!

Jonathan in jail! Yes, he was wanting me to pick him up but now that he is mobile, he has to stay in the playpen until mommy is dressed and ready to go in the morning!!

Easter morning and mommy made jonathan cry because she wanted him to sit still for a picture!!

I couldn't resist putting this in!! He's cute even when he cries!
Here we are on Easter at Church. He just woke from a nap! Yep, he sleeps through all the sermons!! hahaha!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finally, an update!

Ok, I have been very bad! I have to say that I will post some new pics soon!
Jonathan has mastered crawling! Yes, we had a play date with science mama's daughter and Jonathan took notes! He suddenly figured out home to go forward AND he figured how to stand! So the daily bonks on the head have started!! He is pulling up to stand on anything he can find but he still hasn't figured out how to get down!! It is pretty hilarious!
He was 19# and 27 inches tall at his last doctor's appointment.
Oh yes, did I mention that I went back to work on the 10th and he loves his nanny! He didn't cry when I left or when I got home!! Thanks for all the prayers!! I am not too hurt! hahaha!
Anyway, have lots of pics to post later,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Last week Jonathan learned to say Mama! He says it infrequently but is learning that I come when he calls. He also learned to feed himself cheerios with a pincher grasp. I showed him how one week and he wasn't interested then the next week he is popping his cheerios into his mouth with both hands! Oh yes, that isn't the only thing he puts in his mouth!

Jonathan and his Auntie Juanita.
Jonathan in his carseat. He doesn't like to be there most of the time. This is one of his quiet moments!

Jonathan and his mama playing tickle. He is laughing now but has been crying ever since he got his vaccination last monday.
Jonathan trying to chew on the pillow. He got a new tooth this week and is trying to cut another one. Today he bit me on the finger. OUCH! guess my hand will no longer work as a teething device!

Here is Jonathan with his food all over his face laughing at his Auntie! She makes funny faces too!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


We have been home for a week and Jonathan is adjusting to sleeping again! It seems like any new activity causes him to not sleep (and in turn, I don't sleep!). It has been wonderful to have my mom here with me to help with shopping, cleaning and just being an extra pair of hands. My dad came down this last weekend and is installing a garage door opener ( a christmas gift from my parents!). I can hardly wait to push the button!
Today, Jonathan was standing (leaning up against the ottoman) when he pushed back and was able to stand unassisted for a full minute. My mom and I were in shock! I think it was a fluke (and praying it was!) as I am not ready for him to be mobile yet!
Well, hope to get some new pics online soon.
More later...

Saturday, January 19, 2008

More Pictures!

Jonathan at home at last!

Jonathan at a restaurant in Guatemala city. He really doesn't like to be tied down!

Jonathan at the hotel in Guatemala city playing on the floor with Grandpa!

Jonathan with Grandma in Guatemala city

Jonathan in Guatemala City a few days after I got him.

Jonathan in his stroller in Antigua, Guatemala.

Jonathan at home in Washington!

Jonathan in Guatemala playing with his toys. He loves the stuffed owl! Thanks Cindy and Larry!