Tuesday, September 9, 2008

more pictures!! growing and growing!

So I couldn't resist getting this picture. Jonathan really enjoyed his rice at dinner tonight!! he was a mess! I threw him in the bath afterwards!!!

We went camping for the first time with grandpa and grandma. I put jonathan in his pack n go so that I could take down the tent. I gave him a bite sized oreo and when I looked back at him, he had it all over his face and all over the pack n go!! What a mess!!

Jonathan on his rocking bug.

yes, he carries that blankie everywhere! makes it hard to walk!!

Jonathan rolling around on the floor with his blankie!! he loves that thing!!!

Aren't I cute in my outfit from Aunt Juanita?!

This is Jonathan's favorite way to sit!!

Jonathan on a play date with his friend, Esther.

Hand surgery, walking and more....

look at me mom, I am walking!!

You mean you are supposed to wear your glasses over your eyes!! hehehe!

Jonathan loves to swim!! just give him alittle water and he could hang out all day!!!

Jonathan on his swing from his aunt Juanita!! he loves it!

What mom? I'm just reading a magazine and ripping out pictures!!!

Finally!!! Yes I finally am getting around to updating my blog. Alot has happened since May and the most thing was I had to have emergency hand surgery. I had severe carpel tunnel in my right hand and it was totally numb. The hand surgeon told me that the nerve damage might be permenant and he rushed me into surgery on june 25th. Needless to say, I wasn't prepared to be out of commission!!

Well mom and dad came rushing over and moved in to help with the baby. They were a real blessing! Well Jonathan just walked out into the middle of the floor one day and he was off and moving! He also figured out how to use his push toy to crawl onto the sofa!! yep, he also pushed a toy over to the ottoman and crawled up then down then back up again! I was shocked!!!

Well as you can imagine, he is running everywhere now!!

Here are some pics of him...enjoy. Oh yes, he was 15 months on august 22nd!